About Us


Former Houston Mayor Annise Parker, with the support of City Council, created the Houston Forensic Science Center in 2012 as an independent, local government corporation whose mission it would be to provide forensic services to the city’s police department. HFSC took over management of the city’s forensic services on April 3, 2014.

HFSC is governed by a nine-member board of directors appointed by Houston’s mayor and confirmed by city council. Ellen Cohen is the chairwoman. 

HFSC’s bi-monthly board meetings are open to the public. The regular meetings occur on the second Friday of every other month in the Houston City Council Annex Chambers at 900 Bagby Street.

Our Mission

To receive, analyze and preserve physical and digital evidence while adhering to the highest standards of quality, objectivity and ethics.


Our Objectives

  • To provide quality analytical examinations
  • To provide quality forensic investigations
  • To meet or exceed all standards necessary to maintain accreditation
  • To monitor and ensure the timely generation of test or investigation reports
  • To enhance the scientific capabilities of HFSC

The Houston Forensic Science Center is a nonprofit registered 501(c)(3).

For checks, please make payment to the Houston Forensic Science Center. The mailing address is:

Houston Forensic Science Center
500 Jefferson, 13th floor Houston, Texas 77002