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February 12, 2015
Ramit Plushnick-Masti
Public Information Officer
Sgt. David Hallimore, a supervisor in the Houston Forensic Science Center’s
Audio/Video Section has been appointed to a four-year term on a National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) subcommittee. Hallimore, who has more than 18
years of experience in forensic audio/video work, will be a member of the
Digital/Multimedia Scientific Area committee’s Digital Evidence Subcommittee. This
high-level subcommittee falls within the Organization of Scientific Area Committees
(OSAC) and will be dedicated to establishing standards and guidelines for audio/video
forensic work and analysis. Hallimore has also been appointed chairman of an OSAC
task force on audio forensics.
As security cameras and other multimedia devices become more prevalent the work
done by audio/video forensic scientists is becoming increasingly important to law
enforcement investigations. The volume of work has also been increasing.
The Houston Forensic Science Center, Inc., an independent nonprofit local government
corporation, has been managing the former Houston Police Department Crime Lab and
parts of its Identification Division since April 3, 2014.
HFSC is overseen by a board of directors appointed by the Mayor of Houston and
approved by the Houston City Council. HFSC currently operates in eight forensic
disciplines and is expanding.
Further information regarding HFSC is available at
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