September 10, 2018
The Houston Forensic Science Center will present to the Houston City Council’s Budget
and Fiscal Affairs Committee a plan for the crime laboratory to move to a new, costneutral downtown facility.
Nicole Casarez, HFSC’s chairwoman, and Dr. Peter Stout, the CEO and president, will
present the plan at a special session at 10 a.m. Monday September 10. The committee
will meet at the City Hall Council Chamber at 901 Bagby St., Houston, TX 77002.
The plan will allow HFSC to completely move out of the Houston Police Department’s
downtown headquarters by the end of 2019.
Ms. Casarez, Dr. Stout and the owner of the building, John Quinlan, will be available to
answer questions and provide details about the 30-year lease and new laboratory
immediately after the meeting.
HFSC is a local government corporation that provides forensic services to the City of
Houston and other local agencies. HFSC is overseen by a Board of Directors appointed
by the Mayor of Houston and confirmed by the Houston City Council. Its management
structure is designed to be responsive to a 2009 recommendation by the National
Academy of Sciences that called for crime laboratories to be independent of law
enforcement and prosecutorial branches of government.
HFSC operates in seven forensic disciplines.
Ramit Plushnick-Masti
Director of Communications/PIO
713-703-4898 (cell)
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