Welcome to the Houston Forensic Science Center (HFSC)
HFSC is an independent local government corporation that provides forensic services to the City of Houston’s law enforcement agency, the Houston Police Department. HFSC welcomes you to explore our forensic services, learn more about what we do, investigate employment opportunities or contact us.
HFSC at a glance
Sexual Assault Kits (SAK): 552
DNA (Non-SAK): 545
Latents: 63
Firearms: 304
Latent Print Processing: 265
Toxicology – Drugs: 349
Digital Multimedia: 67
Seized Drugs: 1600
Crime Scene Unit: 16
HFSC defines backlog as a request older than 30 days from the time of request.
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In the News
City of Houston approves 7 legislative priorities for Texas’ 89th legislative session
A woman invented the rape kit. So why was a man given credit for it?
A Chicago judge just erased her predecessor’s historic ruling on forensic firearms analysis
Houston Police evidence room infested with ‘drug-addicted’ rats to be cleared out